Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New online class begins May 17th!

My class in creating a perfectly balanced flying faerie is now open for registration and the lessons and forum begin on May 17th.

I have separated it into two Lessons.  
First creating the armature and then sculpting, and then painting and costuming.  
What's great about online classes is that you can download the lessons with all the photos and work at your own timing...jump right in, or save the lessons for another time.  
And I'm always available through email or the class forum to critique, answer questions, or just share in your process. :) 

I can't tell you how many of these faeries I had to create before I figured out how to easily get one who balanced nicely. 
The first ones tilted to the side....made a nose-dive to the front or the back or just hung in a completely wacky way .
So in this class I will share that secret and all that I learned, and we will create a lovely flying fae. 

Creating a grouping of 3 faes hanging over your bed, art table, or in the corner of a room where the sun comes in, makes an inspiring display.  
Mine hang over my art table and shower me with their inspiration.

Hope to see you in class!

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