I often offer up a saying to friends who are considering certain actions in their life...."be careful of the door that you open, because before you know it, you are in the room". We all know what it is like to be sucked into situations that are not for our greater good, just because we didn't listen to our intuition and we got involved in something or someone that shouldn't have claimed our attention. And often, we open a door and step into a new experience that provides knowledge, excitement and
personal growth. I believe I have opened such a door.....and Canyon Ranch provided the key. I am fascinated by alternative and complementary modalities of healing. Healing Touch, Reiki, Matrix Energetics and there are many many more. I have had several personal experiences with these energetics and later this month will be going to a training in Matrix Energetics and then in June I will begin studying Reiki. Off to see the wizard and who knows where she will lead me. What fun a new adventure is!

I am sure that you are opening a door to some more Marilyn magic.
I love your photos. The Story Teller fountain is such fun. The children are certainly busy and telling their own story.
I understand what you see...and what you say...energetic techniques are the way..hug dear friend! and hug to Gary
Beautiful pictures Marilyn. I also like what your talking about. My sister in law is a Mater Reiki healer in Seattle. She is working in hospitals and retirement homes. I love when I see her and she gives me Reiki.
It took her 4 years to complete the course. I also know a wonderful woman in Ukiah California that does Core Energetics,... I went to her a year ago and she healed so many things in me...
Sorry to go on and on... but I'm very excited for you!!!
I started to worry a bit when it was over a week that you posted on your blog...
Glad you and Gary are well... Going back to Ca?
I'm in Calif. now, Pat. We'll be here until mid August.
I can't believe I let so much time go before blogging...it's just cause I'm getting settled here.
Today I finally cleared and set up my studio space and so now I can just be here and breathe it all in.
Northern Calif. is beautiful now in the spring.
What a beautiful array of photos - and I'm loving that story tellers piece!
Good on you for deciding to do Reiki.
I go to a Reiki master every Friday afternoon.
It's my salvation!
Best best best of luck!
yea Marilyn! I'm so glad you are in one spot for awhile... breathe!!!!
I am so loving the water lily shots. :) ... and am VERY excited about your upcoming training!! may the wizard take you on a most rewarding journey!
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