Friday, March 6, 2009


Well, I had an idea to put a wax coating on my vampire's head.......but
I only had beeswax .......and now she looks like she has yellow jaundice!! 

Lesson learned....beeswax doesn't work unless you are creating a bee.

Hopefully the wax will melt off when I put the head back into the oven. 

and then I'll do something else......I don't have a clue what though........


Odddollz by Jacqui said...

She still looks pretty though, I am sure Marilyn you could make the devil himself look beautiful...I hope not to offend with this comment, I just think you rock!! And make real pretty things:)

I can't wait to see what becomes of your vampire girl


Stefania Morgante said...

eheheh a yellow vampire is a new way ehehehheh...

Tristan Robin said...

admittedly, the skin color is a tad off-putting LOL - but the face is just beautiful - very ethereal and peaceful.

which is the way I would hope to be if I were to live forever!

Angelfeather said...

Sorry the wax didn't work out as hoped. I do think you have the look down though. Regal and stoic like a Vampire queen. I am interested in watching the progress and know she will be stunning - in a vampy way.
Hope you have a great week end - finally sunny here in New Emgland in the 40s and not yet 9:00 - that is exciting!

Robin's Egg Bleu said...

Considering that a vampires organs might not properly work as ours do...would a vampire not also be somewhat jaundiced?

I have to admit, I kind of like the yellow. It's different. Sometimes it's okay to go with an unintended mistake...

If you left her yellow, it would probably start a new trend in vampire dolls!

Sue said...

I never would have thought that beeswax would go yellow - good to know (sorry it was at your expense though Marilyn!).

The pictures remind me of a madonna or religious icon. She has a wonderful
face, very serene.

Kims Art said...

I don't know if this will help, but I did the same thing with one of my dolls. I used the heat gun to get it off. I had lots of paper towels. Zap it with heat and wipe. It is easier to put on than take off. I was thinking next time I might try white candle wax, but it will be on a head headed to the trash.

As Seen Thru My Eyes said...

She appears very serene because she just drank a lot of blood.... LOL

I did put her in the oven, on paper towels and almost all of the wax came off. I kind of like the tiny bit that is still there.

I think a body will make a nice to the studio. :)

thanks for your comments!

3rdEyeMuse said...

I love her lips! ... and can't wait to see the next update with some of the yellow gone.

Lee Weber said...

acutally, I think it looks cool- and ugly- because vampires really are dead. This makes her look dead- kwim?