Sunday, November 27, 2011

Making Memories....

When I became a grandmother, a motivating force took hold.....and that was to create memories for my GRAND an wonderful children.  Each holiday, birthday, & gathering became an opportunity to gently place, within their memory and within their hearts, moments of magic.  My wish is that these moments form the foundations and building blocks of the way they will remember their childhood.
This year we gathered for Thanksgiving in a large barn.....taking down my studio space and creating a wonderland......

No one was allowed to even peak into our Thanksgiving space until we all opened the door, together, to begin our meal.......the candles were lit, the music was playing.  The adults gathered around the fire pit, waiting for the door to open, while quietly, the 7 grand girls arranged themselves before the barn door and softly began their serenade.  A song sung in rounds to prepare us for the unveiling.  Angel voices called to our hearts to open.
Wine glasses raised in toasts, gratitudes shared, laughter and joy rose up to the heavens.....
Dog's everywhere.....barking, leaping, stealing food.....
cousin moments shared ....
laughter on a trampoline......

the soothing of the fire flames at the end of the day......

moments of memories......encased in gratitude.


C. said...

A friend sent me the link to your blog saying you were my long lost art sister. At first I thought it was the lovely transformation of barn into elegant dining facility which of course spoke to the fairy godmother in me (I almost typed fairly good mother but that's another story...)but then I saw your cover from ADQ before I discovered the magazine and I knew that was why. She is beautiful. I just started incorporating frit into my paper clay sculptures. Please stop by sometime for a visit! Recently my posts have been all about my hormonal complexion but I promise as soon as the Xanex kicks in I'll be right back to sculpture. Angst first and then art...

Mo'a said...

It is so great to see how you make magic for your family and friends. I love the photos here and on FB. The girls are growing up so fast.
I feel so fortunate that you have made wonderful memories for me as well.
Will you be having retreats in this amazing barn studio? If so sign me up. xoxo