Thank you to all of you who shared your thoughts to your 15 year old self.
I'm going to print all of the responses that I've received on parchment paper and create a small book for my granddaughter. Please know that by your generous sharing of yourself, your words of experience and wisdom are being passed on. Here is my letter ....
Dear one......
Here's the truth.....YOU are much more powerful, unique, and precious than you have any idea that you are. You have actually not met up with your Self yet, and you won't for many many years into the future, but if you could see HER, you would realize what a beautiful and brilliant gift to the world, you are. You would be able to see your potential and walk purposely and with confidence, forward. But, perhaps we aren't given to know that, at 15yr..... because, like a petal on a flower, there is a gentle and precious joy in the very act of unfolding.....in the first steps of our dance. As they say, it is not the destination, but rather the journey.
Let your dance be balanced with Grace. As you spin, leap and reach, feel the centering quality of Grace, like a light beam, through your body.
With the power of Grace to center you, look outside of yourself and see the beauty in others. Allow yourself to be moved by love.
Allow yourself to be moved by love. Allow yourself to be moved by love.
Take it slowly. Enjoy this time of high energy and confusing emotions. Everything that you are feeling....the confusion and the confidence...the fear and the bravado....are exactly what you are suppose to be feeling....so FEEL those emotions and learn to trust in your own inner knowing.
Always take a moment to ask yourself if what you are doing "feels" right to YOU. Check in with your SELF. Listen to your SELF. Trust your SELF.
Be true to your SELF. Take it slowly. Take it slowly. Take it slowly.
You will never know it all. You don't have to know it all. You're not supposed to know it all. It's okay not to know. It's good not to know. Not knowing will be the doorway into discovery throughout your whole life. Get comfortable with not knowing. Get comfortable with not knowing.
Get comfortable with not knowing...... and glory in it. It is always about the question and never about the answer.
Learn all that you can. Soak it up and then express it with your own twists and interpretations. Think beyond what is accepted as true....beyond the normal and the known. Press your thinking forward. Never settle. Never settle. Never settle.
Friends are your mainstays. Boy friends are great fun, but your girl friends will be there for you, through-out your life to help you, support you and cheer you on. Invest in your friendships. Regard them as precious.
Respect them and honor them. Trust and be trustworthy.
Remember that your family loves you no matter what you do, how you act, what you say. Family is the crown jewel in our lives.
Respect them and honor them. Be trustworthy.
You are literally creating your life with your thoughts and your feelings and your attitudes.
Respect yourself, honor yourself and be trustworthy.
You can Do, Be and Have anything that you can set your heart and mind upon. Work the muscle of visioning. See your dreams, feel your dreams, and then walk confidently towards your dreams.
LIfe is about growth. Your life is about the unfolding of YOU. It is a game to play. Don't take yourself too seriously. Laugh a lot and cry some too.
And always know that your Grandmother loves you with all her heart. In her eyes you always shine pure and whole and spectacular !
This is utterly beautiful, Marilyn. It has brought tears to my eyes. I'm surprised I can type through the tears. What a wonderful gift you are giving her.
I am so glad I have found your blog. This is something I would like to do for my niece who stays with me during the school week whose mother died when she was 5.
Here come the tears again...but happy, inspired tears. Kim
This is such a beautiful letter. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.
Marilyn, so beautiful, so wise.....words to treasure, cherish and follow.
Marilyn, that is most beautiful it was a joy to read, profoundly wise and moving. Thank you so much for sharing.
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for this wonderful post.
Words of Wisdom from a Wonderful Woman! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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