I've been tagged by Shashi at Sewing with Moonbeams to go into my photo files and choose the 6th file and then the 6th photo in that file, and share that photo with you all.
So here it is.......a photo of a gathering of little Maryhoonie creatures. It looks like they have a secret to tell or maybe they are giggling at being presented to the bloglandia.
They want me to tell you that I offer a simple online class in how to create these little guys at That Creative Place.
It's fun to see Maryhoonie cousins popping up all over the world. They told me once that they were determined to see their clan grow....and so it is. :)

I'm now happy to report that my shadow has found me again. It took a couple of days for her to figure out that I'd left Calif....but this morning, there she was....strong and present.
I'm feeling much more complete.
I met an artist who just moved to Bali.....and she gifted me these boxes of her paints and brushes!
I'm a bit overwhelmed by this! Painting is not a territory with which I am familiar, nor comfortable....and here these boxes sit as an invitation and even a demand... to step out into the unfamiliar. Yikes!
Off to the studio.......
the Source tell you...ITS the moment to paint!
*twittering*! the Maryhooies make me giggle.
glad your shadow has returned & I have to admit that I am drooling over the gifted paints and brushes. *sigh* I do hope you start playing with them. :)
I have started using more paints recently, after using dyes for years, just think of them as colour in a bottle. I'm very envious of that brush collection :) something you can never have enough of in my opinion LOL
Can't wait to see what amazing things emerge from your studio -
That is an amazing gift!It's way fun; maybe try keeping an art journal, you get to experiment a lot and you can keep it private ;)
Wow what a gift. In your hands they will create magic. Your Maryhooies remind me that I have to complete my sins. I have to wait patiently for a few more weeks before life at home returns to near normal( I live in hope)!
Step out, step out!
Oh wow, what a wonderful gift. I would have had paint all over me by now. My stock is dwindling as I have not bouten hardly any since my mom-in-law passed away. Yikes, it'sbeen 10 years. She had a lot of acrylic paint. Thos little guys you create are so cute. They'd look great hiding behind plants and such on a shelf, peeking out. Hee Hee
Maryhoonies!!! They make my day. Oh, Marilyn I love all of them. They are so sweet.
Boy Jackpot! I can't wait to see what you make of those paints! Glad your shadow is back! It's nice visiting you!
Aww They are so cute! My maryhoonie is just waiting to be painted. Maybe he'll swing by your studio for a quick coat ;) What wonderful gift!
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