This is one of my treasures from the flea markets in France....this wonderful hand.
I love hands....I love nests and eggs too....but that's another story.
This hand is from some mannequin somewhere...sometime....but it was waiting for me in a funny little flea market in Paris....lying on a table laden with stuff....calling out to come home with me.
It had a connection attached to the wrist that would have gone into the arm of the mannequin, so I stuck a nail in the wood around the window of my little studio and hung it on the nail...and then applied some apoxie sculpt around it to secure it.
Then I added a sleeve of a dress that I found in the south of France, with wonderful metallic gold lace on it. A treasure in it's own right!
Hmmm....you would think that I would have better things to do than dress a mannequin hand!
And here comes my favorite French phrase... Whaa-LA!
And here comes my favorite French phrase... Whaa-LA!
The French say that all the time and I love it!! Whaa-LA!
So each day I will be displaying a new and different treasure...offered and held by my French hand.
I think this hand has a name....hmmm...any thoughts on what it may be?
Today's offering is a necklace that I picked up at a vide grenier. ( means clean out your attic ).
It came with the chain and is a wonderful St. Beatrice medallion.
I added another bauble that I found in Paris to the chain and it is my new favorite necklace!
So each day I will be displaying a new and different treasure...offered and held by my French hand.
I think this hand has a name....hmmm...any thoughts on what it may be?
Today's offering is a necklace that I picked up at a vide grenier. ( means clean out your attic ).
It came with the chain and is a wonderful St. Beatrice medallion.
I added another bauble that I found in Paris to the chain and it is my new favorite necklace!
you inspired me to get out one of the mannikin hands in my studio. It now lies in the dining room cradling a funky fabric bug I made , inspired by Sandra Klink's "Wondrous Creatures". Thank You !!
how gorgeous--and what a great idea! voilá, indeed!
I've barely scratched the surface and can already see how much fun it would be to play with you! :)
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