Each class is offered individually or ...at a savings...as a series. The classes begin with my technique of sculpting and painting a head and face. Each class of the series has about 4 to 6 lessons with full instruction and colored photos, showing each and every step, and in every class there is an online forum where we can talk...critic if you want....share tips...share photos and just get to know each other.
The next class will be on to sculpting and painting the hands and arms, then on to sculpting and painting the legs and feet. The next class will show you how I create a torso, how I attach the previously sculpted arms and legs and how to make a stand. The whole series then culminates with the class on Creating a Hardscape. When I moved to Hawaii I found, because of the heat and humidity, velvets and antique laces did not work so well.
From walking the beaches and discovering sea glass, and found objects, to incorporating abalone shards and mosaic class, I developed a costume that I call a Hardscape.
This is the way I created the piece that I have been posting about here on my blog...
"My Lady of Guadalupe".
So the last class will be on how to create her costume!
I'm excited about these classes and I do think taking classes online is a brilliant idea!
I know I have taken many classes from felting to jewelry making, and I very much enjoy being able to create my own studio, at my own time, and yet learn something new.
I hope I see you in class..... in cyberspace......creating, creating, creating! :)