Now as the apoxie sculpt cures over night I have to decide whether to make him a jacket out of fabulous handwritten French journal pages from 1880! or create a different kind of costume. I'm leaning towards using the French journal pages because they are so amazing!! I have used them on the bottom of the piece and then gave them a crackle glaze and an antique wash.
They are from a journal that I found at a Paris flea market and the handwriting is so beautiful. Evidently it was a business journal of some one in the antique business and he lists what he sold by date and by description. If only I could read French!

Hello Marilyn!
I have just discovered your blog today through a link from Gail's new blog. I have followed your work and find it amazing! It's going to be nice to be able to keep up with what everyone's doing through blogs :)
(oh, and I'd love to one day be able to attend the retreat Gail and you host.)
Dearest Marilyn!!! Thank you for stopping by my Whimsieland and leaving a post... You have long been one of my creative idols and I just love, love, love your art!!! Now that I know you have a blog, I would love to add your link to mine. Happy Creating! Whimsie Wishes! Christy
Ilove rour rabbit!what a great thought, alice inside the rabbit;))))!! wonderful!!!
wonderland appears to be very inspiring this autumn
I guess it was my pieces in this shop in Paris,if it was a big store mixing artists pieces and antic furnitures it was surely the very one I'm in
And If you happen to come back in paris , hope i could see you ;)
M ~ what a divine creature with treasure within! Love seeing the progress and steps. Yes, I agree, a manuscript jacket sounds perfect! Truly Lovely!!!
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