Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Looking back.....

 I was recently interviewed for an article.  I really enjoy the process of answering questions about my artwork and my career, over the past 35 years because all those years offer me a perspective on my journey.   Looking back I see how my inspirations came in cycles.  I put together some collages of some of those cycles.  The first collage of  photos shows my 'Relationship" pieces. 
Faeries and tiny faes.
 The "Goddess" series showed up with "hardscape" costumes created with shards of abalone or mosaic pieces.  The faces of these pieces were always painted a soft white and were very theatrical.
 My first pieces stood between 3 - 5 ft. tall.  Deer Prince, Mythical figures, Father Christmas and Angels.  These pieces had sculpted heads, hands and feet and the bodies were wire and cloth.
 Rabbits have played a large part in my artwork.  Rabbit Princes created with gourds, fabric, paint, wire and clay.
 The use of antique silk velvets was replaced by sea glass mosaics when we moved to Hawaii.
Autumn, Winter, Summer and Spring Trees created from gourds, with little faes within.
And lately my passion lies with the wall pieces of tempered glass over hidden Reiki symbols.
I wonder what lies next.................


LuceLuna Reborn Dolls said...

All beautiful sculptures!

Karla said...

exquisite works all yours!