Thursday, September 10, 2009

New class ..... in Magick!!

In my Level Three class in Matrix Energetics I learned a fun new technique for creating Magick!
I love this!!   It's called a Sigil.  Have you ever heard of it?  

Sigil is a symbol created for a specific magical purpose.  It is an ancient art, centuries old, used by magicians and alchemyists....and now you!
It is a method by which the words of a statement of intent are reduced into an abstract design and then charged with the intent of the creator, and hidden within art work.
Sigil Magick is a widely used form of bringing forth an intent....a wish....a vision.

In my new class I've put together a fabulous lesson in creating a mosaic using tempered glass to achieve a really deep and magical effect and have included the lesson in creating a Sigil that will be embedded within the mosaic piece.   I've created a Level One and a Level Two class.

It will be offered on That Creative Place in the next couple of weeks, so check it out and learn to bring your intentions into the world!

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