Sunday, November 13, 2011

As Above, So Below

Finished a new Reiki Wall piece today.  As I look at it, it makes me think of the night time sky with the constellations of stars....the path of the milky way....and yet the stars are star fish and the the clouds are Nautilus shells so it is as if the skies are a reflection of the deep deep above, so below.

Under the tempered glass are images of butterflies, rising with the path of star shine. Antique french letters and sheet music complete the piece, with a hidden Reiki Blessing symbol.

Until I decide to send it to the Chalk Farm Gallery,  I have hung it in my studio, above my Buddha head .

My thoughts now turn to our departure next week and the return to the mainland.  It's always a little hard to let go....

1 comment:

Anthropomorphica said...

Marilyn! your mosaic is absolutely gorgeous, i think your use of glass really gives it so much life.