Saturday, August 21, 2010

New class in Sculpting Faces

Just posted!

A new class at That Creative Place on how I sculpt the faces to my art dolls. It's a class that you can download and enjoy in your own time, with more than 100 photos and access to an online forum.

If you have a moment, check it out. :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Faces captured in time....

Kobain and Presley's masks are done and up on the wall. I love that their sweet faces are now captured in time. Even the difference between 9 yr. old and 6 yr. old is evident as the face loses the baby fat.

I can see that I have a new mission.....along with making them a Shutterfly book each year for their birthday, I will cast their face.

I think a wall of little girls growing into young women will be wonderful!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Masks of me.....

I took a wonderful weekend class on creating face masks from a fantastic artist by the name of Rebecca Love Be sure to check out her website and particularly her African Masks. And if you can manage time to take her class, I highly recommend it! You learn how to cast a mold mask of your own face out of plaster strips and then press clay into that mold to then create your own image. And you embellish however you wish. Very fun.

I've finished 3 masks of me so far. At first it's down right frightening to see yourself .....with all the imprints that Time leaves on our faces. But now it doesn't really seem like me....just a face that I can carve or paint or embellish into whatever I want and that it is actually my face makes it very unique.

The one piece that is kind of half a mask was fired in a pit fire on the beach and that gave it those interesting colors. The symbols that I carved into that piece are Reiki symbols.

I have a collection of white plaster heads collected from San Miguel de Allende on my wall so now I've done a mask/face of me in whites to be added to that wall, which happens to be right where you enter my little studio.
Next I'm going to add a mask/head in whites of each of my grand daughters to add to that collection. I pressed the clay into the plaster mold that I took, today, so check back to see the finished piece soon.

So fun to be inspired!

Making Masks....

Yesterday I made masks of Presley and Kobain.
Today I'll press clay into them and soon I'll be able to hang their precious faces on my wall. So fun....