On our last day, which was Sunday, we went to Pastor John's church service in the
Deep Sea Slum.

As before, the children gathered to greet us.

We walked down the alley....

and were greeted by song.......

Song and dancing and exuberance in Pastor John's church!

The energy was wonderful !

Oblivious to the service, these little ones found piece of chalk and began to draw...

Time to fly home....5 hours from Nairobi to Dubai...then 16-1/2 hours from Dubai over the pole to land again in San Francisco. On the way over, the first 10 hours were okay, but the last hours were really hard for me. On the way back, the flight was surprisingly easy and fast.
When we first arrived at the Nairobi airport, at the beginning of the trip, the airport felt small and close and very foreign to me. When we departed from the very same airport, the airport looked spacious and familiar. I seemed to be looking through different eyes than I had when I first arrived.
By saying "Yes" to Africa, was I changed as everyone said I would be? Well, I can definitely can say that I feel expanded. This trip has gifted me with a deeper understanding and experience of the word
gratitude. The sentence
"I am very very happy" means so much to me now and brings with it memories of beautiful happy faces and meaningful experiences. I look forward to my return and I definitely will travel with Rebecca and Valerie again. The idea of a
Purposeful Tour is exactly the way I wish to see the world.