Today was a perfect day....I was able to get back into the studio and create.
I had found a coconut shell on the beach...not the outside husk...but the inside shell. It was a neat shape so I took it up to the studio and put it in the microwave for a minute to make sure there weren't any critters living in it.
Then I got out my embellishments.
Tempered glass on the inside with abalone shells and then abalone shells around the rim. I added some metallic powders and apoxie sculpt and
Val-La! So much fun!
Tomorrow I will grout and then let it sit for a couple of days before I seal it.
The other photos show a piece I did from a
palm frond. I love the look of the tempered glass. It's so deep and mysterious. Particularly against Nature's simple beauty. The contrast is very cool. The white "thing" on the end of the palm frond is a skull of a fish...or something ....that I found on the beach. Very wonderful pattern and shape. Isn't Nature inspiring!
I think I have to find a gallery or sell in Etsy cause I can't stop creating and what am I going to do with all of these pieces!